Friday, August 29, 2008

Kampong Naga, Tasikmalaya West Java


Kampong Naga is a traditional village with extent about 4 hectares area. It can be reach through highway connecting Tasikmalaya and Bandung via Garut, which is about 30 km west to Tasikmalaya. Administratively, Kampong Naga is part of Dusun (a cluster of village) Legok Dage of Neglasari Village of Salawu Sub District.

The attraction of kampong naga is a unique life of community live there. They socialize with modern society, embraced Islam, but strictly hold custom and tradition from their ancestor. They perform Islamic Holidays rituals, such as Mulud or Alif ritual with conducting Pedaran (reading the history of their ancestor). This begin with taking a bath in Ciwulan River and they allow tourists to participate in ritual as long as they adhere to the rules.

All buildings (house, mosque, meeting hall, rice barn) have the same shape. They all have roof made of palm leaves with palm fiber ridge, their walls are made of woven bamboo, and doors are made of rattan fiber. All buildings face on the north or south, while pile of stones arranged in orderly fashion are unique architecture and ornament of Kampong Naga.

Many tourists have come to this place because of

its strategic location. According to Tourism Office of Tasikmalaya, The foreign tourists in 1997-2000 were 33,629 people, while domestic tourists were 106,536 people. The revenue of this tour object can be classified as on target or even over-target. But if looking over its nominal revenue, it is on 4th compared the whole tourism objects. As illustration, the target revenue in 2000 was Rp 2,000,000, while its realization was 2,162,000, or about 108,10% of target revenue.


Physical investment on Kampong Naga has to be restricted to avoid the damage of unique culture of Kampong Naga. This tour object is transit place to other tour objects. The possible investment opportunity is tourism promotion.