Monday, September 22, 2008


Adventure Indonesia invites you to explore the jungle in the heart into the heart of the Siberut Island in the western part off West Sumatra's coast, to meet the indigenous people of the Mentawai who live close to nature and still live in comparative isolation, maintaining their age-old ways. It's virgin rainforest, inhabited by a number of animal species not found anywhere else in the world, among them some rare monkey species, pleasant surprises await you to explore.

The island also offers continuous spectacular white sand beaches with shallow shelves jutting out to the sea and fringing coral reefs, excellent for snorkeling and leisure a luxury for most of the islanders. It can only be found a few coastal communities.

You will be rewarded with stunning views and beautiful jungles abounding with unique plant and wildlife. The real highlight of your journey though, is the chance to meet the people of Siberut, traditionally hunter, gatherer clans who are now coming into contact with the modern world. You will stay as guests of a local Kerei (medicine -man) in the Uma (traditional family house). Here, where conditions are basic, you will gain a unique insight into the lives of these people who maintain a belief system based on living in total harmony with nature.

Adventure Indonesia invites you to witness the unique cultures of the Nias People and experience their War Dance which is the only dance in Indonesia performing high skill of acrobatic jumps or Stone jumping performed in the meaning of proving the readiness of man taking wife.

Situated 125 km off North Sumatra mainland, lies Nias island which famous of its' megalith altars, spectacular traditional architecture, and complex religious sites. This isolate island posses rolling mountainous terrain, ravines, gorges and rivers. The northern part of this island is sparsely populated.

You will also witness a lot of historical remains and unique culture such as the megalith stone and the unique clan houses.

The environment it self provides great challenge for wave surfer around the globe and has one of the best right-handers in Indonesia.

Situated 125 km off Sumatra mainland, lies Nias island which famous of its' megalith altars, spectacular traditional architecture, and complex religious sites. This isolate island posses rolling mountainous terrain, ravines, gorges and rivers. The northern part of this island is sparsely populated.

The local call their land as Tano Niha or "land of the People", while the people call them selves as Ono Noha. Ethnically the Niasers are involved in to the Ptoto-Malay ethnic who once ever get with the Asian Proto-mongoloid world. Niasers speak a kind of language related to Malagasy. Because of the similarity in languages, custom, body size of the Niasers with the Bataks on Sumatera mainland, it is possible that the Niasers have derived from the Bataks.

According to their customary law, there are 3 classes of Niasers, namely aristocrats, common people and slaves. The number of salves possessed, representing the social status of a family. Peoples used to be scarified for some certain purposes. A young man should in service for the family of his would-be wife for certain length of time before the marriage.

War like dance in southern Nias is the only dance in Indonesia performing high skill of acrobatic jumps. The warrior dance is a frightening dance song with a hypnotizing sound of rattling shields, men shouting, jump frog like in to the air. Niasers also perform mock fights and armed combat. They get horned helmet, flaring shoulder plates, face's mask with protruding boar tusk, double edged sword, sharp spears, in order to struck their enemy physiologically.

One of Nias culture that still exists is the Stone jumping, or locally called fahombe. Fahombe performed in the meaning of proving the readiness of man taking wife. The man should jump over a two meters high of stone board. In the past the top of the stone board is covered with spikes and sharp pointed bamboo. Tactically, this stone jumping also mean to train young warrior to clear the wall of their enemy with a torch in one hand a sword in the other hand at night. Stone jumping still take place on South Nias villages.

Nias has a lot of historical remains and unique culture to enjoy. The megalith stone, the unique clan houses, and their war dance are just some of the attractions. The environment it self provides great challenge for wave surfer around the globe.

The Surfing
The Best time to surf Nias is from June to October with the biggest swells, however the rest of the year is ideal for those wanting smaller waves.

Nias has one of the best right-handers in Indonesia. It is situated at the western end of Lagundi Bay and holds up to 15 foot. There is also an excellent left reef break that works well over 4 foot. If you are looking for hollow, deep waves Nias is definitely worth visiting. There are also many other spots to explore like the Hinako Islands.

Siberut island recently received international attention as a priority conservation area, for the unique culture of the ethnic Mentawaian and endemicity of its biodiversity that need to be preserved. Although the island has plenty to offer, the potential has not been utilized fully especially for tourism.

Most visitors to the island are interested only in seeing the culture at the indigenous tribes, such as the communal clan life in the traditional UMA house along the river banks.

Siberut National Park occupies the western half of the island, ranging from the northern coasts. At present the Integrated Biodiversity Conservation Project organized by PHPA, MOF, together with local government, local NGOs and other institutions, conducts the community based conservation program.

Siberut island (4.030 km sq) is the largest island of four islands in the Mentawaian archipelago. It is located about 155 kilometers off the coast of West Sumatra, across the Mentawaian strait. The Mentawaian islands belong administratively to Kabupaten (Regency) Padang Pariaman in West Sumatra Province. Siberut is divided into two Kecamatan (district) : North and South Siberut with administrative centers at Muara Sikabaluan and Muara Siberut which also service as respectively market centers of Siberut.

According to Forestry Ministerial Decree (No. 407/Kpts II/93, dated 10-VII-93), a 190,500 hectares area was declared as Siberut National Park in 1993.

The Siberut island is characterized by a wet equatorial climate, with minimum and maximum temperatures of 22o C (71.6F) and 31o C (87.8F). The dry season is from February to June and the raining season is from July to January. Siberut is hilly with wide variations in elevation. Almost 60% is covered by tropical rain forest with many forest type such as: primary dipterocarp forest, primary mixed forest, swamp forest, barringtonia forest and mangrove forest. Also, there are many rivers on the islands with a complex system of tributaries.

Some of the interesting objects to see are:

Community and Culture: Although Siberut is only a small island, the internal variations in language, culture, life styles, and in resources is rather substantial. There is no clear indication of when the first man arrived on Siberut, but anthropologist suggest that the bataks of North Sumatra first settled on the island several thousand years ago. In many ways, the people of Siberut are among the most archaic people in Indonesia.

The Mentawaian are traditionally organized as patrineal groups and the social life centered around the UMA, a communal long house which held a clan of people related through a common ancestor. The UMA vary in size between 30 to 80 members divided in nuclear family units, referred to as LALEP. Because of internal friction, the clan might split up and form a new group or a single family.

The Mentawaians believe that all living objects, men, plants and animals are supposed to have spirits. The only specialist in the community is the medicine man, KEREI, responsible for communication with the spirits and the souls. In case of misfortune or illness, he is called in to restore harmony within the group or in relation with the spirits in the environment. An elaborate Taboo system based on religious beliefs with respect to the environment is a dominant characteristic of traditional life on Siberut.

Visit and stay in a Mentawaian village, trek to the jungle, learn about sago processing and bark cloth processing, and do other activities that will heighten your interest in and fascination with the natural philosophy of the Mentawaians.

Jungle Adventure: Very few visitors have explored the thickly frested island. Inside the National Park pleasant surprises await the adventures visitor. Visiting a cave in central Siberut or waterfalls in the northern and southern parts of the island, are possible upon request with your guide. Be observant of your surroundings. You may have the chance to see and hear some endemic wild life. Siberut has four endemic primates which in local names are called Bilou (Hylobates klossi), Simakobu (Simias concolor), Bokoi (Macaca pagensis), and Joja (Presbytis potenziani). There are at least five species of squirrels and chipmunks and birds abound everywhere on the island. Padding a canoe trekking on muddy trails balancing on a shippery log, wading through a shallow river, brushing through a dense jungle - are all parts of an unforgettable jungle adventure on Siberut.

Coastal Discovery Adventure: Some good coral reefs can be found along the east, south to southeast part of Siberut and the surrounding small islands. Along the coast, continuous, white sand beaches, magnificent lagoons, enficing mangroves and coral sea gardens all promise an exciting coastal adventure. Dolphins (Stenela longirostris) can be seen along the east coast. Other sea mammals such as digong (Dugong dugong) occasionally can be sighted near the sea grass by the mangrove along with three protected species of sea turtles.

Masilok Beach on the southern part of Siberut can be reached within an hour by a motorized boat. The island's resort, dominated by coconut grows, a logoon with beautiful white sand beach, promising a very relaxing environment. The west coast breaks from Siberut island, connected only by sea garden and mangrove that lie side by side making it a unique experience for diving. Accommodation and fresh clean water are available. If you plan to travel to nearby islands, it can be arranged with local owners. In the south western part of Siberut lies Sagulubek Beach, with calm and clear waters making it ideal for wind surfing. In the northern part, Sikabaluan beach offers an excellent dip in warm water to soothe the soul.


  • Before traveling to Siberut, it is advisable to take prophylactic doses of anti malaria medicine at least one week before departing for Siberut, and should be continued up to two weeks after leaving
  • Travelers are also advised to bring sufficient supplies of medicine (antidiarrea and seasickness, first aid and antibiotics if possible)
  • Wear a good pair of hiking boots, bring dry clothes, raincoats and flash light
  • Respect local culture
  • Leave no waste or garbage
(source :